How got registered as a US trademark home page

How PARTS.COM, LLC registered as a US trademark on the principle register in the USA. US trademark US Serial Number: 77219341 Application Filing Date: Jun. 29, 2007 US Registration Number: 3500783 Registration Date:Sep. 16, 2008 Note: Yahoo! Inc. commenced a trademark cancellation proceeding (Number: 92057802) after PARTS.COM, LLC sued Yahoo for trademark infringement in… Continue reading How got registered as a US trademark

Trademarks Registered in the US

Trademarks registered in the US may be registered either on the Principle register or on the Supplemental Register. Most trademark owners would prefer that their trademark be registered on the principle register, but that is not always possible. A registration for a trademark may be refused for registration on the principle register because the proposed… Continue reading Trademarks Registered in the US